Cosmic Summit 2024

In the realm of intellectual exploration and historical speculation, few events hold as much promise as the Cosmic Summit. This annual gathering attracts some of the brightest minds and most curious souls from around the world, eager to delve into humanity’s mysterious past and the enigmas of Earth’s history. Following a successful debut in Asheville in June 2023, the Cosmic Summit returned with even greater grandeur in 2024. The event in Greensboro, North Carolina, delivered a deeper dive into the secrets of our planet and our species, bringing together an impressive array of speakers and attendees.

What Is The Cosmic Summit?

The Cosmic Summit is a unique event that blends scientific discovery with speculative thought, aiming to uncover the hidden chapters of Earth’s and humanity’s history. The 2023 summit in Asheville demonstrated the power of combining rigorous scientific research with popular speculation, drawing participants from twelve nations and 42 US states. The event fostered a vibrant exchange of ideas, facilitated by a diverse lineup of published scientists and enthusiastic amateurs alike. This fusion of perspectives has proven to be a winning formula, generating a deeper understanding and a shared sense of wonder about our world.

Cosmic Summit 2024 Speakers

The Cosmic Summit 2024 boasted an impressive lineup of speakers, each bringing their unique insights and expertise to the event. These thought leaders shared their knowledge on a variety of fascinating subjects, challenging mainstream narratives and inviting attendees to rethink their understanding of history.

The arresting, UK-based comedian and ancient history enthusiast Jahannah James co-hosted the summit with Micah Hanks. James is known for her engaging videos that challenge historical orthodoxy, and her presence adds a blend of humour and insight to the event. Hanks, a writer and podcaster, brings his expertise in archaeology, science, and unexplained phenomena to the summit, promising a dynamic co-hosting duo.

Dr. Robert Schoch, a prominent geologist and professor at Boston University. Known for his groundbreaking work on the age of the Great Sphinx and his support for the existence of a civilisation 12,000 years ago, Schoch‘s theories have sparked considerable debate, specifically his hypothesis that solar outbursts ended the last ice age.

Randall Carlson, a renowned polymath and frequent guest on the Joe Rogan podcast, returned to discuss his extensive research into cosmic catastrophes and sacred geometry. Carlson‘s work bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and modern scientific inquiry, making him a standout figure in the exploration of Earth’s tumultuous past and cements him as a titan in his field.

Scott Wolter, a forensic geologist and host of the television series ‘America Unearthed‘, presented his research on the Knights Templar and their connections to Atlantis. Wolter‘s investigations into pre-Columbian contact with North America and the esoteric traditions of the Templars offer a fresh perspective on these historical enigmas.

Ben Van Kerkwyk, host of the YouTube channel UnchartedX, provided evidence for lost technologies and alternative historical interpretations. His meticulous research and global explorations have garnered a significant following, and his presentations are a highlight of the summit. (A fantastic channel you should definitely check out)

Praveen Mohan, an ancient history expert from India, shared insights on obscure ancient architecture and lost technologies. Mohan‘s work challenges the Western-centric view of history, revealing a more interconnected and technologically advanced ancient world.

Other notable speakers included Hugh Newman, an explorer and author with a focus on megalithic structures; Luke Caverns, an anthropologist and Mayan culture specialist; and Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe, an astrobiologist known for his work on panspermia and the origin of life.


I was lucky enough to attend the summit this year but only as a virtual pass attendee. The Cvent Events app was easily downloaded and the schedule and talks were easily accessed. There were a few instances of the stream experiencing technical difficulties, but this was minor and all of the talks were available afterwards on-demand and in high quality streaming.

Even through the live stream there was an electrified sense of community and exploration that came across with the audience asking some thought provoking and at times challenging questions.

Jahannah James‘ talk was definitely a highlight of the event for me. James delivers some very complex ideas in an entertaining and accessible way and seems to radiate pure joy and excitement to share this knowledge.

Having an event that facilitates this level of historical scrutiny and addressing a wide range of topics (from the well-documented Younger Dryas Impact Event to the more speculative realms of lost civilisations and ancient technologies, the enigmatic Gobekli Tepe, the mysteries of Atlantis, and even the controversial theories surrounding UFOs and cold fusion technologies) is paramount if we ever hope to understand our past.

Shoutout to George Howard and his team :

The Cosmic Summit is an extraordinary event for anyone interested in the mysteries of Earth’s and humanity’s past. With a diverse lineup of speakers and a wide range of topics, the summit will continue to challenge conventional wisdom and inspire new ways of thinking into 2025. This gathering of curious minds and expert researchers provides a unique opportunity to explore the depths of our history and the cosmos. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding and a renewed sense of wonder about the world and our place in it.

I am thoroughly looking forward to next years summit and hopefully a physical attendance.

You can check out the site at COSMICSUMMIT.COM

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